quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

Revista: The Lucid Dream Exchange

Nosso amigo Richard Hermeticus encaminhou essa "dica": trata-se da revista eletrônica "The Lucid Dream Exchange" que contém um bom material sobre sonhos lúcidos, incluindo várias entrevistas com pesquisadores e onironautas.

Selecionei ao acaso a entrevista com Chris Olsen, produtor, juntamente com Kira Sass, do documentário "Wake Up! Exploring the Potential of Lucid Dreaming", que foi exibido duas vezes em 2009 na Conferência IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) em Chicago.

Segundo o site, o filme é uma mistura de experiências pessoais de sonhos lúcidos, insights e pesquisas relevantes:

Wake Up! explores the many dimensions of lucid dreaming in a half-hour entertaining and educational documentary. From the opening scene, where a dreamer is being pursued by a threatening figure, the film grabs your attention, much as a powerful dream would, and invites you in to experience and learn more.

Wake Up! is a masterful mix of dream imagery and interviews with prominent dreamworkers such as Stanley Krippner, Kelley Bulkley, Robert Waggoner, Fariba Bogzarin, Deirdre Barret, and Jayne Gackenbach. Wake Up! takes the viewer through discussions about the nature of lucid dreaming, tips on learning how to dream lucidly, lucid dreaming through history and in various cultures, lucid dreaming as a creative and spiritual exercise, and lucid dreams as a pathway to healing. I especially enjoyed the comparison of parallels between shamanic journeying and lucid dreaming, and using lucid dreams as a means to understand one’s own personal reality.

Wake up! was directed and produced by Kira Sass and Chris Olsen, and edited by Jordi MacFife. It’s a great addition to any dream library, and would make a good gift for someone who is just beginninng to explore the possibilities of lucid dreaming in their own practice. For more information, or to order the documentary, visit http://lucitopia.com/wakeup/ .



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